
Not long now until our Susans + Strings show at the Melbourne Recital Centre on Friday, April 20th. If you’re yet to secure a ticket you might like to take advantage of the new seats in the wings and circle areas that have just been released. The wings in particular look great for those that like a high vantage point with good views of the stage.  Location, loca…

We’re certainly excited about it. Six Blackeyed Susans + six string players + Clare Moore (The Moodists / Coral Snakes / Dave Graney & The Mistly) on Vibes + Jack Howard (Hunters & Collectors) on Trumpet = a bloody, big and beautiful band! Can't wait...scores are being written, set lists finalised, rehearsals booked…it’s gonna be lush. 

Special guests are the the sublime instrumental leviathans ...HUNGRY GHOSTS, led by our own J.P. Shilo.


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